Website Builder

website builder go online in 3 easy steps

Vi Website Builder makes it possible for businesses of all sizes to go digital without needing any technical expertise, thanks to its easy-to-use interface  . Powered by Hostopia, this tool you can set up professional and secure business email, make a business website that is responsive to suit different screens, and set up your store to sell online with an integrated shopping cart, payment gateways, product catalogues and more

Register a domain name

Choose a template and customise

Hit ‘Publish’


Discover more possibilities with Vi  Website Builder:

Give your business the online identity and communication tools it needs to stay connected

Key Features:

Select from hundreds of professional mobile-ready website templates

Get 10 bundled mailboxes of 2 GB each

Enjoy a storage space of 5 GB

Create a Social and SEO-ready website

Benefits for Business:


  • Reach a wider audience
  • Increase brand awareness and visibility online
  • Create and manage your website easily, without any coding 

Create professional email IDs that are linked to your business’ domain

Key Features:

Set up a professional mailbox against your business domain

Access your mailbox, calendars, contacts and tasks via Webmail

Get an in-built, configurable anti-virus and spam filter

Encrypt and secure your critical mails before sharing

Benefits for Business:


  • Professionally communicate & collaborate with employees & customers
  • Organise emails and manage work efficiently with a secure ad free setup
  • Access your email from any device

Create an online sales channel for your business, which is completely within your control

Key Features:

Set your online store up within minutes

Utilise gift cards and promotional coupons with web points

Accept multiple payment options in India and abroad

Design and run email marketing campaigns, receive actionable insights to get new customers

Set up your tax settings quickly and easily

Get insights with Web Analytics

Benefits for Business:


  • Kickstart your online business with an ecommerce-styled store
  • Showcase your products professionally
  • Offer real-time purchase of products with multi-payment options
  • Enjoy reduction in sales cost due to lower outlay in infrastructure and manpower 
Product features Online Presence Pro Online Store Business Email
Only at ₹2999 annual plan Only at ₹5999 annual plan Only at ₹2145 annual plan for 5 mailbox /2gb

Buy Now

Buy Now

Buy Now

100+ professional mobile-ready templates NA
10 bundled mailboxes of 2GB each NA
5GB storage space NA
Social and SEO ready website NA
Online Store Setup - NA
Access to gift cards and coupons with web points - NA
Multiple payment gateways - NA
Email Marketing Campaigns NA
Tax settings quick setup - NA
Web analytics insights NA
Professional mailbox setup
Mailbox, calendars, contacts access via Webmail
In-built, configurable anti-virus and spam filter - -
Email encryption and security - -
Benefits for Business
Online Presence Pro         Easily set up and showcase your service and offerings online with professional templates Reach a wider audience  Increase brand awareness and visibility online  Create and manage your website easily, without any coding 
Online Store Easily set up an e-commerce store  and sell your products online  Showcase your products professionally with the product catalogue feature Offer real-time purchase of products with multi-payment options  Enjoy reduction in sales cost due to lower outlay in infrastructure and manpower
Business Email Professionally communicate & collaborate with employees & customers  Organise emails and manage work efficiently with a secure ad free setup Access your email from any device Safe, secure email which works with other email clients
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