A  State Co-operative Federation for Fisheries Development Ltd. is a primary-level welfare society in India’s coastal fishery sector. The organisation is responsible for ensuring the economic and social development of the fishermen community by implementing various schemes aimed at promoting the production, procurement, processing and marketing of fish and fish products. 

Business Challenge

• While facing restricted mobility, fishermen were not able to sell their catch since the markets were closed and people were staying indoors 

• In order to help the fishermen sell their fish, they required a platform where they could reach out to customers easily
Our Solution

Our Vi Cloud telephony IVR solution helped the organisation. Now customers can place an order on the allotted number, after which an acknowledgement SMS is sent to the customers followed by the fish’s delivery within an hour’s time
Business Impact

• Thanks to this solution, the demand for fresh fish exceeded supply on the 1st day itself

• The fishermen improved their business twice over

• Its availability has now been extended to 14 districts across the state

To know more about how we can help your business, request a call back or reach out to us directly at 1800 123 123 123

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